Dr. Kamal Shah
Postdoc(Pursuing), Ph.D( Engineering), M.E.(Electronics and Telecom.), B.E.(Electrical)
Dean R&D, Professor - TCET MUMBAI
Ph.D Project Work:
Title: Face Recognition using Orthogonal Transforms and Vector Quantization Techniques.
To improve surveillance system a face recognition is developed through application of various orthogonal transforms as well as a new concept of row and column feature vector is introduced. The New orthogonal transform ‘Kekre’s Transform’ is introduced and it is found that its performance is better than other existing transforms. A novel Vector Quantization domain is explored and new clustering algorithm called ‘Kekre’s Fast Code Book Generation’ is introduced . This algorithm outperforms existing LBG and K-means algorithm in terms of time complexity.
Application: Face recognition on public places for surveillance, Useful as a password to different systems.
Research Projects :
Principal Investigator for IEDC, DST grant :
Bus tracking system for school students surveillance- funded by IEDC, DST, Government of India.- 2016-17
Development of Hygiene alert system for Public toilets A step towards Swatch Baharat Abhiyan
Granted by AICTE, Government of India :
Principal Investigator for Virtualization lab Development under MODROB.
Experience with Collative Research :
Stated collaborative projects in association with industries where students from various departments are involved to develop one product for industrial usage. One such project with OZZOG company on “Perpetual Machine development” is completed in 2017 and one on Idli Mixture is completed in 2018.
Collaborative research culture development initiative is shared amongst University of Mumbai affiliated colleges through Research Meet 2018 and faculty collaboration is established between various colleges. Currently 40 such problems are distribute to various colleges under collaborative research initiative.
7 patents are filled under IPR registration across institute.
Research Publications: 43
Research Work
Kamal Shah, "Application of Row Feature Vector and Column Feature Vector of WHT for Face Recognition", International Journal of Computer Science and Applications (IJCSA),vol-2,no. 1, April-May-2009.
Kamal Shah, "Identifying Individuals from a Video Sequence By combination of DCT and Artificial Neural Networks", International Journal of Information Science and Computing (IJISC) ,vol-2,no. 1, July-2008.
Kamal Shah, "Face Recognition using optimal transform", proceeding of Emerging Trends in Computer Technology (ETCT2008) , SCET , Surat ,2008.
Kamal Shah, "Application of DCT row and column feature vector for face recognition with comparison to full DCT and PCA”, International Journal of Computer Applications in Engineering , Technology and Science (IJ-CA-ETS) Journal,vol-1,no. 1, April-Sep-2009.
Kamal Shah, "Energy Efficient Row and Column Feature Vector of walsh hadamard transform(WHT) for Indian Face Recognition", International Journal of Computer Science and Applications (IJCITAE), accepted.
Kamal Shah, "Performance Comparison of row , Coulmn , Full slant transform and PCA for face recognition", International Journal of Computing Science and Communication technologies,vol-2,no. 1, July-2009,PP 249-255.
Kamal Shah, "Performance comparison of vector Quantizaton Technique- KFCG with LBG, Existing Orthogonal Transform and PCA for Face Recognition", International Journal of Information retrieval (IJIR),vol-2,Issue 1, Aug-2009., pp 64-71
Kamal Shah, "Performance comparison of vector Quantizaton Technique- KFCG with PCA for Face Recognition", International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJSC)sep-2009.
Kamal Shah, " Performance Comparison of Kekere’s Transform with PCA and other Conventional orthogonal Transforms for Face recognition", JH-MPS,July-2009.
Kamal Shah, "Application of Clustering algorithm for Face Recognition", Journal of Technology and Engineering Sciences, July-2009.
Kamal Shah, "Energy Efficient DST row and column feature vector for Indian Face Recognition”, Proceeding of NCICT09, NMIMS University , Mumbai.
Kamal Shah, "Comparison of Wavelet Transform and optimal transform for facial recognition ", Proceeding of ICCNS 08, VIT Pune Sep-27-28,pp 342-345.
Kamal Shah, "Performance comparison of Kekre’s Transform with PCA and other conventional orthogonal transforms for face recognition ", 2009 IEEE International conference on emerging trends in technology (ICETET 09), 16-18 dec, nagput India, cited on IEEE Explorer computer society.
Kamal Shah, " Performance comparison of KFCG with PCA and other orthogonal transforms ", Proceeding of ICWET -10,TCET Mumbai feb 26-27 cited by ACM portal.
Kamal Shah, " Energy efficient face recognition using row, column feature vectors of lant transform and performance comparison with PCA” , 2009 IEEE Symposium on Industrial Electronics and application (ISIEA 2009) oct-4-6 Kula Lumpur, Malaysia published by IEEE computer society.
Dr. Kamal Shah, “Disclosing malicious traffic for network security “, International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology(IJAET).
Dr. Kamal Shah, “DDOS attack detection and trace back”, International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM).
Kamal Shah,"Performance Improvement of BLAST with Use of MSA", International Journal of Applied Information Systems (IJAIS),vol-1,ISSN:2249-0868,pp 124-129,feb 2014
Kamal Shah, "Techniques to Search Ancestor Relationship among Bioinformatics Sequences", International Journal of Applied Information Systems (IJAIS) ,vol-1,ISSN:2249-0868,pp 160-165,feb 2014.
Kamal Shah,"Automated Penetration Testing For Network Security", International Journal of Applied Information Systems (IJAIS) ,vol-1,ISSN:2249-0868,pp 172-176,feb 2014
Kamal Shah,"Integration of Supply Chain Management with Knowledge Management in Chemical Industry", International Journal of Applied Information Systems (IJAIS) ,vol-1,ISSN:2249-0868,pp 152-156,feb 2014
Kamal Shah,"Implementation of real time surveillance system using Gait analysis", International Journal of Applied Information Systems (IJAIS) ,vol-1,ISSN:2249-0868,pp 166-169,feb 2014
Kamal Shah,"Use Gait energy image in implantation of real time media surveillance system" ,International Journal of Applied Information Systems (IJAIS) ,vol-1,ISSN:2249-0868,pp 142-146,feb 2014
Kamal Shah,"Use Gait energy image in implantation of real time media surveillance system" ,International Journal of Science and Research Journal of computer engineering(IOSR-JSE) ,vol-16,Issue 1, Version 5,pp 88-93 JAN 2014
Kamal Shah,"Real time video surveillance system ", International Journal of Computer Application ,vol-86, issue 14, pp 22-27,JAN 2014
Kamal Shah,"Application for vector quantization for audio retrieval", International Journal of Applied Information Systems (IJAIS) ,vol-1,ISSN:2249-0868,pp 140-144,feb 2014
Dr. Kamal Shah,"A survey on Evolution of Mobile Networks: 1G to 4G” , International Journal of Engineering Sciences and Research Tehnology(IJESRT), vol-3,Issue 2,pp 803-810,Feb 2014
Dr. Kamal Shah," logical cryptography in modern cryptosystems”, international journal of emerging trends in engineering and development (ijeted) issn 2249-6149( issue 4, vol. 3) pp. 191-200, april-may 2014
Mr. Pratik Kanani, Dr. Kamal Shah and Mr. Vikas Kaul, “Hybrid HMAC using Improved SHA-512”, 2014th International Conference and Workshop on Advanced Computing (ICWAC), pp. 324-328, Mumbai February 2014.
Mr. Pratik Kanani, Mr. Vikas Kaul and Dr. Kamal Shah, Hybrid PKDS in 4G using Secured DCC”, IEEE International Conference on Signal Propagation and Computer Technology (ICSPCT), Ajmer, July 2014. (to be published)
Merlin Priya Jacob, Dr. Kamal Shah, Aaditya Desai “Knowledge Management in chemical industry: Manufacturing Unit”, International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJLTET) ISSN: 2278-621X, Volume 4 Issue 3, September 2014.
Merlin Priya Jacob, Dr. Kamal Shah, Aaditya Desai “Knowledge Management in chemical industry: Supplier Unit”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER), ISSN: 2229-5518, Volume 5 Issue 10, October 2014.
Merlin Priya Jacob, Dr. Kamal Shah, Aaditya “Integration of Supply Chain Management with Knowledge Management in Chemical Industry”, Multicon 2014.
Shruti Vaidya, Dr. Kamal Shah, “Audio Classification and Retrieval by Using Vector Quantization”, In International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER), Vol 5, Issue 2, pp. 1059-1061, Feb 2014
Shruti Vaidya, Dr. Kamal Shah, “Audio Denoising, Recognition and Retrieval by Using Feature Vector”, In International Organization of Science and Research Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE), Vol. 16, Issue 2, Version II, pp. 107-112, Mar-Apr. 2014
K. Shah, V. A. Bharadi, “Implementing Enhanced AES on Raspberry Pi as a Remote Enhanced AES on Raspberry Pi as a Remote Authentication Node” ISSN 0975-8887, Volume- 1 pp- 68-73, Feb 2015
K Shah, V. B. and S. Amrutia, “Implementing Enhanced AES for Cloud based Biometric SaaS on Raspberry Pi as a Remote Authentication Node. IJAIS ISSN: 2249-0868 Proceedings on International Conference and Workshop on Communication, Computing and Virtualization ICWCCV 2015 Volume-2:17-22, September 2015
K Shah, T Kapdi, “Disclosing Malicious Traffic For Network Security”, International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology 7 (6), 1701, October-2015
Nidhi Chhipa, Shruti Saxena and Priyanka Shukla, Dr. Kamal Shah “B.E.S.T Bus Ticket Booking Android Application” 7th International Conference on Communication, Computing and Virtualization 2016 ThakurCollege Of Engineering and Technology , Mumbai- 400101, India
Harsh Khare, Sagar Doshi and Vivek Shah, Dr. Kamal Shah,”Education ERP System (Opetus)” 7th International Conference on Communication, Computing and Virtualization 2016 ThakurCollege Of Engineering and Technology , Mumbai- 400101, India
Shubham Sharma, Gaurav Singh, Mukunda Vishwakrma, Dr. Kamal Shah , “IoT Based Liquid Level Monitoring System” International conference on computing and virtualization (ICCCV-17), ISBN:978-0-9972393-4-8,Thakur college of Engineering and Technology,2017 ,pp.218-222
Chirag Kodial, Pranjal Gupta, Megal Patil, Dr. Kamal Shah, “Unique Face Recognition System For Mood BoosterSubtitle” , International conference on computing and virtualization (ICCCV-17), ISBN:978-0-9972393-4-8,Thakur college of Engineering and Technology,2017,pp.93-95
Ayush Jain, Satyam Kushwaha, Kashish Kothari, Dr. Kamal Shah, ”Restaurant Table Order Management System” , International conference on computing and virtualization (ICCCV-17), ISBN:978-0-9972393-4-8,Thakur college of Engineering and Technology,2017, pp.271-273